New ‘brutal’ Queen Camilla & Kate Middleton claim confirms rumors are true – did she really do this…

New ‘brutal’ Queen Camilla & Kate Middleton claim confirms rumors are true – did she really do this…
Why Queen Camilla Has the Power to Direct Kate Middleton to Change Her Outfit: Exploring the Royal Family’s Rules and Protocol
The royal family follows several customs and norms, including what to eat, how to behave when presenting at a royal event, and even how to greet guests.
A source close to the Queen’s official dresser told the Express of Camilla’s special request for two other senior members of the royal family, Princess Kate and Sophia, Duchess of Edinburgh. The Queen has the final say on whether wearing blue is acceptable for formal royal duties, although all three are happy to do so.
As a supreme ruler, Queen Camilla has the power to choose which war to fight.
The Express claims that because Camilla had strict rules about who could wear what color, Camilla’s personal stylist Jacqui Meakin first “died a few pens” at the palace. And wearing blue is usually part of it.
Kate and Sophie were finally allowed to wear the same color if it looked bold enough, despite Camilla’s original reputation for being quite strict.
“The Queen can now choose her outfit before other women in the Royal Family. The insider clarified, “It’s part of the royal pecking order that includes clothing and color.” Blue is Her Majesty’s and Kate’s favorite color. Sophie really likes it too.
“At first Jacqui [Meakin] was reluctant to wear blue with the Queen, but now she’s fine with it as long as the blues are really different colors,” the insider said. The situation ended up being quite comical and all the women found a humorous side.
The tension over the royal dress code eventually became a light issue rather than a serious issue. While Camilla initially set strict rules on who could wear what colors, especially blue, the matter was resolved with a sense of humor and compromise. Kate and Sophie, both fans of blue, were allowed to wear it as long as their shades differed significantly from the Queen’s, ensuring the royal pecking order was obeyed.
This incident highlights the often meticulous nature of royal customs but also shows that even in such a structured environment, flexibility and a sense of humor can prevail.
What began as a potential source of conflict has evolved into a playful dynamic between the royal women, showing that tradition and personal preference can coexist with mutual respect and understanding.