ROYAL FAMILY NEWS:Royal family’s ‘pattern of baldness’ explained as Prince Harry’s not safe from Prince William’s fate

ROYAL FAMILY NEWS:Royal family’s ‘pattern of baldness’ explained as Prince Harry’s not safe from Prince William’s fate
The royal family has a history with balding in men. A look back at the family tree genetics helps to pinpoint where the trait comes from.
William’s balding became a noticeable feature for the young royal as he began to age and settle down in his relationship. The heir’s receding hairline might have an easy explanation and it comes down to genetics. Expert Dr Aamer Khan, co-founder of the Harley Street Skin Clinic, claimed “it’s a combination of aging, hormonal factors and genetics.”
Features like hair color, texture and thickness are genetic in nature. The doctor told the Daily Mail: “[Balding] can be passed down from either side of the family but for men it’s usually the mother’s side that is more influential in determining whether or not you’ll experience baldness.”
In looking at William’s family tree, patterns can be identified in an effort to link back his hair loss to the aristocrats before him.When we look at King Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry, there are clear signs of balding present, with some experiencing it more aggressively than others. I think we can say that this is clearly influenced by genetics, as there’s a consistent pattern of baldness among the generations that suggests a hereditary predisposition.”
Prince William’s balding has become more noticeable with age
Both William and Harry receive their hair genetics from their father, King Charles. While William is definitively balder, Harry’s has thinned in recent years, too, similarly to Charles and his father
However, Philip and Charles’ mother, Queen Elizabeth, are descended from the same family, so the genetic lineage merges here. Elizabeth’s father, King George VI, didn’t necessarily have any hair issues — the hair scarcity picks up a few generations earlier with Edward VII. The tree spans as far back as Prince Edward from over 250 years ago who seemed to be balding when he died. Queen Victoria took over with her husband, Prince Albert, also sporting a bit of a lackluster hairline.