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Here’s How To Get Drunk Like Emma Watson This Summer.




when I learned that Emma Watson’s family had a “rich history of winemaking.”



Domaine Watson in Burgundy, France is apparently where my childhood hero spent her summers. (The Hollywood Reporter)

“I was clearly a Burgundian soul who had the misfortune to be born in England,” said Watson’s father, Chris, who purchased the family vineyard in 1991, and last year Watson and her brother, Alex, started their own gin brand, Renais, which just became available in the United States.

When I realized that all of this love and care and attention is going into growing the grapes…and they would press them and discard them…I was like, ‘That doesn’t seem right,’” said Alex Watson.


So, they “collect the leftover grape skins, ferment them and then distill the alcohol from that organic material,” resulting in what they describe as a “soft and approachable” flavor.


Um, yum? Alex says he drinks it neat over ice (respect) but Emma has a signature cocktail, The Emma Spritz that I’ll definitely be trying, and not just because it has my name in it (though that helps). The

Distilled from upcycled wine grapes using the family’s surplus, “Renais” is “derived from ‘renaissance,’ meaning ‘rebirth’ in French.”

So, what I’ve learned from this is that Emma Watson is a professional drinker (speaking from experience), and she’s just like us (likes to get a buzz on in the summer with a strong little spritz).

The regular bottle clocks in at $65 and the special edition bottle with “summer artwork” at $80, so I will probably be making this lovely spritz with something cheaper, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

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